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Jerusalem is NEVER mentioned in the Koran. It is mentioned 669 times in the Old Testament and if one considers the use of the word Zion which sometimes means Jerusalem, then add another 154 to the 669.
Jerusalem is always said in Jewish prayers, grace after meals, the Passover Festival ending etc. etc. It has no such significance in Islam
Muslims actually turn their backs to Jerusalem when they pray - a sign of contempt. This as a result of the failed attempt by the prophet Mohammed to force Jews to convert to Islam. Many pretended to convert ( in order to stop paying taxes as it was not permitted for Muslims to tax other Muslims ) but maintained their Judaism. Thus the Quib’la ( direction of prayer) which for some 9 months instructed Muslims to face Jerusalem was scornfully overturned ( Sura 2.14 ).
The world at large has been brainwashed to believe that irrespective of the 3 points above, Jerusalem is considered to be Islam’s third holiest city citing a connection that historically could not have happened. In the Koran ( Sura 17.1). According to the Night Journey the prophet Mohammed ascended to Heaven supposedly from The Sacred Mosque ( Mecca )to The Furthest Mosque. Lies and successfully spewing propaganda now assure us that The Furthest Mosque is the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. This is impossible!! The historic timeline is that Mohammed died in 632 CE and the Al Aqsa Mosque was built between 705 and 715 CE. Therefore whatever Mosque the alleged night journey assumed was The Furthest Mosque it was certainly not The Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem for that Mosque did not exist during the prophets lifetime.
Jerusalem was NEVER an Arab capital even during Islamic control over the City. Indeed there are numerous accounts from writers and biographers from the 7th to the 19th century ( Bishop Arculf, Thomas Shaw, Count Constantine Volney, Flaubert, Melville, Thackeray, Twain, and others ) who all scribed about the absolute dilapidated condition of Jerusalem under Islamic control. The photographic evidence of Leo Kahn and Dwight Elmendorf in the early 20th century provide further evidence. Historically Islam allowed Jerusalem to deteriorate during every period when it was the controlling religion.
Jerusalem was NEVER mentioned in the PLO Charter of 1964. How is it so important to Palestinians now?
The Arab word for Jerusalem is ‘Al Quds ‘ which is an abbreviation of ‘ Bayt al MAQDES’ translated means The Holy House. Both of these descriptions are a direct bastardised version of the original and still current Hebrew ‘ Beyt ha - MIKDASH ‘ - translated meaning The Holy Temple. But Islam has never had a Temple , only the Jews had one. Thus the Arabic name for Jerusalem has no connection to Mohammed’s heavenly ascendency but refers to the Jewish Temple.
Under Jordanian OCCUPATION ( capitals intended) between 1948 and 1967 not one Arab Head of State visited Jerusalem
The Hashemites made a concerted effort to reduce the importance of Jerusalem both religiously and administratively. All Government Offices except for the Ministry of Tourism were closed and relocated to Amman - these included the Arab High Commission, the Supreme Muslim Council, the Treasury of the Waqf and Religious Endowment bureaus.
Even during Islamic / Arab control Jerusalem was never a City of Religious or administrative importance and was NEVER made a Capital.
Jerusalem was made holy by the Jewish King David and has never been the capital of any other nation other than the nation of Judaism. It was historically the capital of Judah for over 1000 years, 2500 years before Islam was invented.
There are many instances of Palestinians defiling carpets, furniture, belongings etc. in the Temple Mount . Irrespective of ones religion, places of worship are treated with respect- unless of course you are Muslim and have no respect or connection to the place of worship.
Paradoxically there are numerous Suras in the Koran identifying that the land of Israel was given by Allah to the Jews - 5.20 /21 and 17:100 - 104 and 59.2 are just three of many. 59:2 . Others examples are 2.40 / 47/ 63 / 65 / 83/ 85/ 87
Those Muslims claiming Jerusalem, the historic capital of Israel for Islam and / or of Palestine are actually in contempt of the Koran.
Many contemporary Islamic scholars are claiming that it is the false Palestinian claim to Jerusalem that is causing the violent rifts in Islam.
If the Palestinians are truly indigenous to the area then answers to the following questions should be easy.
1. Given the number of invaders to the geographical area claimed for a new Palestinian State, from Biblical times to 1948, what battles or wars were ever fought by the Palestinians against such invaders? We can start with the Greeks, Romans, Babylonians, Persians, Umayyads, Kurds, Crusaders, Mongols, Mamelukes and Ottomans.
All we are looking for is the name of any one battle or war the indigenous Palestinians were involved in.
2. If the question above can be answered then the name of the main leader who led the Palestinians into battle?
3. If the indigenous Palestinians were non-violent up until 1948 and never involved themselves in wars with those numerous invaders noted above then the name of any indigenous Palestinian. An Imam, Sheikh, King, Queen, Prince, Princess, physician, astronomer, poet, writer etc., etc. Please note that we are seeking indigenous Palestinians and not migrants from other countries easily identified by their family names.
4. A Palestinian currency perhaps
5. Proof of a distinct Palestinian language perhaps
6. Proof of Palestinian architecture
7. Proof of Palestinian archaeological findings
About the author
Peter Baum is currently a Delegate on the Board of Deputies for British Jews and on the Executive Board of Southend Friends of Israel. He is also a founder member of Fair Reporting. He has made several TV appearances on Revelation TV regarding pro-Israel activism and also on various UK Radio Stations. In his commercial life, he was Senior Director at a Bank with responsibilities for Capital Markets specifically Bond Trading. He made seven appearances on CNBC and was interviewed in a number of financial journals. Thereafter, he started a Family Wealth Investment Company where he was a partner and now as he is virtually retired he is a Consultant to the Company.
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