#1. The first time the term Palestine was used was by the _____________ in the _______________ century.
The term Palestine referred to the ancient Philistines (an Aegean people most closely related to the Greeks and having no ethnic, linguistic, or historical connection to Arabs). The term was coined by Hadrian after crushing the 132CE Bar Kochba Revolt in an attempt to erase the memory of Jews in the land. It has nothing to do with the Arabs who suddenly chose to identify as such since Israeli statehood. Hadrian renamed the area Syria Palestina “homeland of the Philistines” as an insult to the Jews. Ironically, the term Philistine came from the Hebrew word plishtim pleesh-teem which means invaders.
#2. Palestine is mentioned in the Koran ________ times?
Palestine is not mentioned in the Koran nor in the Hebrew Scriptures.
Jerusalem is also not mentioned in the Koran.
#3. The Al Aqsa Mosque, the place where many Muslims believe Muhammad’s Night Ride was taken, was built when?
The Al Aqsa Mosque was not built until 70 years after Muhammad’s death
#4. What is International Law based on?
#5. If you were reading about Palestinians in a paper in the 1930’s, it is most likely the article was about:
Arabs did not begin identifying as Palestinians until years after Israeli statehood
#6. When was the first time in history the term “West Bank” was applied?
The so-called West Bank was given that name for the first time in 1949 because Jordan occupied the area on both sides of the Jordan River at that time, so one side was called the East Bank and the other side the West Bank (of the Jordan River). Prior to that, it had been known as Judea and Samaria for thousands of years. *see image
#7. Percentage of Israeli citizens who are not Jewish = ?
There are approximately 2 million Arab Muslims who live in Israel as Israeli citizens with the same legal rights as every other Israeli. Arab Muslims account for about 20% of their population. There are also between another 5-7% “Other” Non-Jewish & Non-Arab citizens in various groups.
#8. Number of Jews who live inside the “Palestinian Territories” = ?
In the Palestinian controlled territories, which consists of both: Area A of the West Bank (governed by a group called Fatah), and also: Gaza (governed by the terrorist organization, Hamas, since their bloody coupe against Fatah in 2007) the number of Jews to even step foot in these areas is ZERO. In fact, it is illegal for any Jews to step foot in these areas and the reason it is illegal is because any Jew who has ever wandered into these Palestinian controlled areas has been brutally murdered immediately for no other reason than they are Jewish.